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Which UPS to choose for the boiler? Comment

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Which UPS to choose for the boiler? Comment

The main source of heat for private houses and cottages is a gas boiler – a complex heating equipment, the functioning of which requires uninterrupted and high-quality power supply. Power outages, which often occur, not only stop the heating system from functioning, but also often lead to the breakdown of expensive equipment. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will help keep the boiler in working condition and support the independent operation of the heating system.

How does uninterruptible power supply work?

Before deciding which UPS to choose for the boiler, let’s consider the operating principle of the equipment. The simplest device consists of three main components – a charger, an inverter and a battery. The number of batteries may vary; they can be built-in or external.

When the boiler is connected to the network via an uninterruptible power supply, the heating boiler simultaneously operates and the battery is charged if it is discharged. If there is a power outage, the boiler starts working from the battery. The battery life of the boiler will depend on the capacity of the batteries used.

Main functions performed by UPS for gas boilers

  • Protecting equipment and extending its service life. A power outage during the cold season can lead to freezing of the heating system and its complete failure.
  • Improving the quality of the supplied electric current. Due to the built-in voltage stabilizer (AVR), the uninterruptible power supply maintains the output voltage in an acceptable range, which is required by sensitive modern boiler electronics.

Which UPS is best for the boiler?

For private homes, it is best to choose a UPS for a domestic heating boiler of low and medium power 250-3000 BA. They have the following advantages:

  • ease of installation – connection does not require the involvement of specialists,
  • long service life of the device itself,
  • no need for frequent maintenance,
  • silent operation.

UPS for boiler

What power UPS is best for the boiler?

The power of the uninterruptible power supply is selected based on what equipment will be connected to it except the boiler itself.

If it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of only the boiler, then a UPS with a rated power of 300 W is suitable, because Boiler consumption usually does not exceed 150 W*h.
Often, separate circulation pumps located on different heating circuits operate in tandem with the boiler. Each circulation pump consumes up to 70 W*h (3rd position), respectively, in addition to the boiler, up to 2 circulation pumps can be connected to a 300 W UPS. If there are more circulation pumps, then you need to choose more powerful UPS models, for example, 600, 800 or 1000 W.

If, in addition to circulation pumps, it is necessary to power a pressure booster pump or a water treatment system, then in addition to the total power of all these devices, you must also take into account starting currents, which can be 3-4 times higher than the rated ones. For example, for a 600W pressure booster pump, the power consumption at startup can be ~1500W. However, almost all modern UPSs are designed for a 2-3 times overload for 20 ms just for starting equipment with electric motors.
In addition, you need to remember about the 20% rule, i.e. The power of the UPS must be at least 20% greater than the total power of the devices connected to it.

Types of UPS for domestic gas boilers

  • Reserve or Off-line. These are the simplest devices. Their use is advisable if a stable voltage is created in the network, since they do not contain a stabilizer. They are small in size and weight. They usually have built-in batteries, so they have a short battery life. For use with boilers, such a UPS is suitable only if the output is a pure sine wave, and not modified or approximated.
  • Line-interactive UPS. The operating principle and features of the Line-Interactive device are due to the presence of a simple voltage stabilizer. Such UPSs are capable of supporting independent operation of a heating boiler for half an hour. To increase battery life, you can connect external batteries.
  • Double conversion UPS or On-line. This is already a whole autonomous power supply system. They include an inverter, a high-precision stabilizer and high-power batteries. The current in them changes twice – the incoming alternating current is converted to direct current, and then vice versa. During this time, the current parameters change to the required values. Typically, the output voltage is stabilized at ~220 or 230V with an accuracy of 1%. These are the most reliable devices, since switching to different power modes is carried out without interruptions, because… the switching time is 0 ms, the output waveform is pure sine wave, which is important for sensitive electronics of gas boilers. In addition, all types of interference are filtered out during operation. The advantages of these devices affect the cost – it is 20-30% higher than other types.

UPS for boiler

What parameters matter when choosing a UPS for a boiler?

To correctly select an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • electrical power of the entire heating system – boiler, automation and pumps,
  • battery capacity,
  • battery life – this parameter depends on the battery capacity and load power,
  • switching time to different operating modes,
  • output signal shape.

When deciding which UPS to choose for the boiler, remember that the equipment must have a power reserve so that the system can be expanded if necessary.

Opportunities of REENERGO company

Don’t have time to figure out which UPS to choose for gas boilers? Contact REENERGO specialists who will help you select equipment and answer all your questions.

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