Prepare for the Solar Spring Rush!

The Solar Spring Rush is coming, and the Ides of March aren’t the only thing you should beware! As we draw closer to the official start of spring, a change in the air begins to swirl, and those who do not know to act risk being left behind as the Spring Rush kicks off! We wanted to provide this public service announcement to all those who aren’t aware of the power of the Spring Rush, because if you’re interested in saving money with solar this year, you need to know what is coming for the industry!

What is the Spring Rush?

Every year, as we emerge from another cold and rainy California winter, there is a phenomenon that takes place in the solar industry known as the Spring Rush. Due to the nature of California weather, things start getting really nice and warm right around the Ides of March, just before spring officially begins. This year, that kickoff is March 19th, and just when that sun begins to peek out from behind the clouds, things will begin to pop off. Like bears emerging from hibernation, or plants breaking free from the snow, California residents are going to feel that perfect warm weather coming back to visit and remember, with a start, just how warm and sunny things are going to become over the next few months.

Inside the Spring Rush

The Spring Rush may sound silly, but it’s very real. Like a shared instinct, all of these wonderful CA residents are going to tune into the nice weather, and it’s going to remind them that summer is just around the corner. From that point, they’re going to start thinking about the sun, and their energy bills, and the intense heat of summer, and it’s going to bring them to one conclusion: I Need Solar. Ask anyone in the solar industry to confirm the existence of the Spring Rush, and they’ll all agree that this phenomenon happens every year. We think about solar all year round because we’re in the thick of it. We’ve always got solar on our mind because we’re constantly working to provide clean, affordable energy to people around the state.

It makes perfect sense that people outside the industry would be thinking about other things, but spring represents the perfect storm: the return of nice weather, the rising energy rates, and the coming of summer. Taken together, people suddenly realize that they could be making great use of solar to power their homes and save money this summer, and they rush to solar providers like us to schedule their installations. This is where the core of the issue is – with everyone wanting solar now, those currently available appointments are going to be snapped up quickly. If you’re caught on your back foot when the rush kicks off, you may find yourself on a long waiting list to get started on your solar project.

How to beat the Spring Rush

This is why we’re making this post now – to help you get out ahead of the pack before the rush officially kicks off. Once spring officially arrives, it’s only a matter of time before the appointment requests will come flooding in, and solar providers across the industry will be hard pressed to make room in their schedules. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be up and running with solar + storage, putting you in a prime position to take advantage of summer solar generation.

Plus, in the interim, you’ll be saving yourself a pretty penny on your spring energy bills, given the multiple rate hikes we have already had this year. The average monthly energy bill is already up roughly $40 since January 1st, between the 12.8% rate hike from last year and the newly appointed $5 dollar increase that was just authorized. Energy expenses are out of control, and they’re only going to get worse as we enter the high use, high rate, high risk summer months.

The Solar Solution

In order to beat the Spring Rush and get yourself set up by the summer, be sure to reach out to one of our solar experts for a free consultation. They can help you to apply for SGIP rebates when you install your system, which also benefit from early acquisition. The more people that draw on the SGIP rebates, the lower each subsequent rebate will be – so early applicants stand to receive the largest rebates possible. If you’re interested in beating the Spring Rush and benefitting from a greater SGIP rebate, schedule your solar appointment today!

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