Home Solar panels Everything you need to know about solar panels Comment

Everything you need to know about solar panels Comment

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Everything you need to know about solar panels Comment

Alternative types of energy are developing at an active pace. Solar energy occupies a leading position among them. This is understandable, because it is environmentally friendly and safe.

Solar batteries consisting of photoelectric converters, upon contact with which solar energy is converted into electrical energy, allow the use of solar energy in various fields. Basically, the working photovoltaic layer of solar panels is made of silicon.

solar panels

What solar panels are there?

There are three types of silicon panels:

  • Monocrystalline. They are made from a whole silicon crystal, which is grown artificially. It is then cut into thin slices from which panels are assembled. Finished photocells have a black tint. Monocrystalline solar panels have a higher efficiency due to their homogeneous structure,
  • Polycrystalline. They are made from raw materials that remain after the production of monocrystalline panels. The remaining silicon is melted and then gradually cooled. This method is simple and inexpensive. The structure of the crystals is heterogeneous. The efficiency is lower than that of monocrystalline panels, and accordingly they are cheaper,
  • Photocells made of amorphous silicon. Amorphous silicon contains hydrogen, which gives silicon its conductor properties. Glass, polymer and ceramic materials can be used as a base on which amorphous silicon is applied, but stainless steel is most often used. This technology is constantly being improved; in the latest generation models the efficiency reaches 12%. The panels showed good efficiency in conditions of diffuse sunlight and in northern regions.

The panels differ not only in the composition of the photovoltaic layer, but also in the type of structure – flexible and rigid.

  • Mono- and polycrystalline panels are rigid structures. Finished panels are fragile and heavy. They can be installed on flat surfaces.
  • Flexible ones are created from ultra-thin steel strips that resemble film in appearance. They are elastic and lightweight, but at the same time durable and reliable. They can be installed on any surface, even vertical ones. The demand for flexible panels is growing every year, this is explained by ease of installation and versatility – they can be used in camping trips, motorhomes, boats and yachts, etc.

How long do solar panels last?

Principle of operation

Let’s look at how a solar panel works. The atoms of a silicon semiconductor have extra n-type electrons, but not enough p-type electrons. The N-layer is used as the cathode and the P-layer as the anode.

Photons of light hitting the surface of a silicon semiconductor release electrons from the atoms of the n-layer. Then they are captured by the atoms of the p-layer. Trying to return to their original position, the electrons “run in a circle,” losing energy and charging the battery.

How long do solar panels last?

Depending on the quality, all photocells are divided into 4 classes, each of which has its own service life.

  • Grade A. Solar batteries of this class are produced by companies from the TOP of the Tier-1 rating from Bloomberg. The equipment is considered high quality. The batteries have no flaws, they cope well with the adverse effects of the environment. The minimum period for their trouble-free operation is 15 years, but in practice they work for 30 years, maintaining up to 80% of power.
  • Grade V. These solar cells are difficult to visually distinguish from Grade A batteries, although they are produced mainly in China. They last a little less – about 25 years while maintaining power at 80%.
  • Grade C. Grade C solar panels are not considered reliable because they are manufactured by small Chinese manufacturers. You can even distinguish such panels visually – they have defects. At the same time, their cost is on average 30% lower, and their service life is only 10 years.
  • Grade D This class includes solar panels that have been used, so it is almost impossible to give any forecast for the duration of their operation.

Main advantages of solar panels

  • Renewable and affordable energy source.
  • An environmentally friendly way to generate electricity, no harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Opportunity to save money.
  • Long service life.
  • Energy generation in any weather – both sunny and cloudy.
  • Easy to install.

payback of solar power plant

How to calculate the payback period of a solar power plant?

It is not difficult to perform an approximate calculation. To do this, you only need to know two numbers.

  • Total cost of installing a solar power plant, which includes the cost of purchasing not only panels, but also other necessary equipment – inverters, charge controllers, batteries, uninterruptible power supplies, fasteners, etc. The costs of delivery and installation of equipment must also be taken into account.
  • Total annual energy savings, expressed in rubles. To calculate it, you need to multiply the annual output of the power plant (kWh) by the average tariff for electricity in the region (RUB/kWh).

After calculating these values, you need to divide the total cost of installation by the total annual savings.

On average, the payback period for a solar power plant is 8-10 years. Considering that the equipment lasts for 25-30 years, we can conclude that installing a solar power plant will not only save on bills, but also make money. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 299 of March 2, 2021, owners of private houses and SMEs can sell excess electricity at a feed-in tariff.

Opportunities of REENERGO company

Don’t have time to understand how solar panels work? Contact REENERGO specialists who will help you choose the optimal set of equipment and advise on maintenance issues.

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