Home Heating How to choose a good solid fuel boiler

How to choose a good solid fuel boiler

by hvacrepair.blog


How to choose a good solid fuel boiler

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Due to the current problems of access to electricity and gas, we have come up with an excellent solution that will eliminate this problem: installing a solid fuel boiler.

This boiler not only allows you to create a completely autonomous heat supply system, but is also very cheap to operate.

Solid fuel boilers are used as the main and backup source of heat, and firewood, sawdust, coal, pellets or even wood waste are burned to produce thermal energy.

Despite the fact that they are quite bulky units, the low cost of the energy generated allows solid fuel boilers to still compete with the most modern gas or electric boilers.

From this article you will learn which solid fuel boiler is better to choose, its power, type, depending on the fuel used and other important details you need to know.

1. Operating principle of boilers

It would seem that what’s so complicated about a solid fuel boiler?

The following main elements can be distinguished in the design of a modern solid fuel boiler:

  • firebox;
  • coolant circulation system;
  • smoke removal system and control of air supply to the combustion chamber (fan + control panel)
  • safety system;
  • heat storage system;
  • fuel supply system (in case of automatic boilers).

2. Classification of fuel boilers

With a similar general design, solid fuel boilers of different types have some design nuances.

The entire existing range can be divided into the following types:

  1. classic or traditional boilers (with manual loading);
  2. pyrolysis boilers or gas generators;
  3. long combustion boilers;
  4. boilers with automatic loading (coal);
  5. boilers with automatic loading (pellets).

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3. Heat exchanger material

Heat exchangers can be from:

  • become;
  • cast iron

It is difficult to say unequivocally which solid fuel boiler is better to choose – it all depends on the budget, operating conditions and personal requirements.

The manufacturers we work with produce both types.

4. Control type

Solid fuel boilers can be divided into two types:

  1. With natural cravings. Such a boiler operates without special pumps, so it does not consume electricity. Classic boilers and some long-burning boilers operate in a similar design. Suitable for areas where there are frequent power outages, can be used as a backup heat source;
  2. With forced draft. The design includes a fan that removes combustion products and supplies air to the combustion chamber. This design is used in most modern boilers. For safety reasons we recommend this type of boiler. Because thanks to the control panel you can make some settings. In order for the control panel, fan and circulation pump to work even in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to install an uninterrupted power supply (UPS)

But be careful! For your safety, any boiler must be connected to a UPS (battery backup power supply).

In the event of a power outage, the circulation pump must remove heat from the combustion chamber, otherwise an explosion may occur.

5. Number of circuits

Single-circuit boilers are responsible only for the heating system. There are also double-circuit boilers that allow you to provide a hot water supply system for a private home.

This is very convenient, but when calculating the required power, you must take this feature into account.

Please note that solid fuel boilers are installed on the floor – there are no wall-mounted models.

And even if the boiler has only one circuit, you can always install an indirect heating boiler, which will also provide you with hot water.

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6. Boiler power

One of the main indicators that you should pay attention to first when choosing a solid fuel boiler is its power, which determines how much area it can provide with heat.

You can use the generally accepted rule: for every 10 m2 of surface, 1 kW of boiler power is required.

This is subject to normal thermal insulation and a ceiling height of no more than 3 m.

Attention! There are factors that significantly influence the calculation of boiler power:

  • The house is insulated/not insulated/poorly insulated
  • Do you have thermal insulation panels / do you not have them / are the thermal insulation panels of poor quality?
  • Are external doors well insulated?

The golden rule is to take a boiler that is 20% larger so that there is no shortage of heat and the combustion chamber is slightly larger. And the consumption will be controlled by an automatic control system, so you won’t use up more fuel.

7. Fuel type

You can throw firewood, coal, pellets, briquettes and sawdust into the firebox of a solid fuel boiler. We have had cases where customers have set fire to wood scraps, seeds, reeds or other burning materials.

It is a mistake to believe that the boiler power will remain the same regardless of the fuel used.

Many boiler models can operate on different types of fuel, but maximum power will be achieved only when using the fuel that the manufacturer has indicated as the main one.

When using lower calorific value fuel, power will drop by 25-30%, and if it is too wet, the power drop can be up to 40%.

We also recommend using high-quality coal, as it has a high calorific value and will ensure combustion at least throughout the night, which will significantly increase the level of comfort.

8. Combustion chamber volume

The larger the volume of the combustion chamber, the more fuel you can load and the less often you will have to go to the firebox and add a new portion.

In the characteristics of the boiler, it is customary to indicate such an indicator as the ratio of fuel loading to boiler power, measured in l/kW.

  • Since a steel boiler of the same power as a cast iron one will have slightly more compact parameters, for it this ratio is 1.6-2.6 l/kW.
  • For cast iron boilers – 1.1-1.4 l/kW. The higher this indicator, the less often you will have to approach the boiler.

Boilers with a larger fuel load have a larger usable volume, and in this case the fuel is distributed more evenly. With a front loader, especially if it is a multi-section cast iron heat exchanger, some effort will be required to distribute the fuel evenly.

The long-burning boiler has the largest combustion chamber. Loaded with high quality coal, this unique boiler can heat your home for 3 days. Combustion occurs from top to bottom, while in simple boilers the fuel is burned from bottom to top.

9. Necessary accessories

A solid fuel boiler is dangerous equipment, so it is necessary to have a boiler room specially designed for this purpose.

Some safety features must be installed in the boiler room

  • UPS + car battery. Which will power protective electrical equipment in the event of a power outage.
  • Mix block. Which will pre-mix the forward and reverse flows to remove condensate from the boiler, which will extend the life of the boiler by protecting it from corrosion.
  • Safety system. Which will eliminate excess pressure.
  • Chimney made of stainless steel. You need to build an exhaust system higher than the roof of the house. It is advisable to isolate this system.
  • Boiler with coil. If you want hot water for domestic use, we need to install an indirect heating boiler.
  • Thermal accumulator. For ideal efficiency, it is recommended to install a storage boiler. This boiler works like a thermos for tea. Thus, we increase the period of use of hot water from the heating system and as a result you will spend less fuel.

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Obviously, even before purchasing a boiler, it is worth deciding whether the boiler will be the main source of heat or a backup one. In the latter case, you will need to install a heat accumulator – it is easier to do this right away than to update an existing system later.

If in the future it becomes possible to switch to gaseous fuel, when choosing, pay attention to the possibility of converting the boiler. Many traditional boilers can be converted to gas by installing an inflatable burner. Convenient, but it should be borne in mind that the efficiency of the converted boiler will be lower than that originally designed for gas.

It’s nice to know that there are solid fuel boilers that can be used in the most remote corners of civilization, are relatively cheap to operate and are autonomous.

However, you will have to put up with such disadvantages as the need for constant maintenance and monitoring, transportation and manual loading of fuel. Safety is in the hands of each of us, so do not forget to check the pressure level in the expansion tank and the condition of the chimney.

And for professional advice and a wide choice, you can find us in Chisinau at st. Vadul lui Voda 68 or in online chat from amber.md!

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