Condensing boiler. Advantages, disadvantages and features

In previous years, no one worried about high gas consumption because gas cost only 4 lei. But now, when the price of gas has increased 7 times, reaching 31 lei, each of us wants to sharply reduce gas consumption.
Solution – condensing gas boiler. It offers great savings, up to 30% compared to a classic conventional boiler.
Condensing boiler – principles of operation
The condensing gas boiler operates on a completely new principle. To improve efficiency, condensing heating equipment captures heat from condensate in the boiler exhaust gases.
This feature of the work served as the basis for the naming of fundamentally new models of gas boilers. This type of boiler is the only type approved for use in European countries in the last 10 years.
When natural gas is burned, hot water vapor is produced. In conventional gas boilers, it is removed along with the flue gases through the chimney. And condensing boilers use this condensate to produce additional heat.
According to the law of physics, the evaporation of liquid is accompanied by the release of thermal energy, due to which the efficiency of the condensing boiler increases.
Condensing boiler – design features
Condensing boilers, like conventional gas boilers, operate on natural or liquefied gas. They are similar in design. But there is one important feature: the presence of a special heat exchanger to capture additional heat from the exhaust gases. The Italian manufacturer Ariston has patented a heat exchanger made of Inox Extratech, the advantage of which you can see in photo No. 2 below.
Steam turns into liquid at temperatures up to 55°C.
This temperature is called the “dew point”. The condensing boiler operates most efficiently at this return temperature. If it is higher, the energy efficiency of the condensing boiler will be the same as that of a conventional gas boiler. It is therefore important that the boiler and heating system are set to operate at low temperatures between 35 and 55°C to gain additional efficiency from condensation.

Condensing boilers – efficiency up to 100%
Classic boilers have an efficiency of about 90%. A condensing boilers have an efficiency of up to 109%.
A reasonable question arises: how can a boiler achieve such efficiency?
The operating principle of the installation is to blame. The coolant heats up only to 50 degrees Celsius (very low temperatures compared to the coolant temperature in classic boilers, which can exceed 70 degrees Celsius). The low temperature of the coolant allows condensation to form, which drips onto the heat exchanger and transfers additional heat, which increases the efficiency of the installation.
Perhaps this calculation will not seem correct to everyone, because it contradicts the laws of physics. But this is exactly how the calculations were made. And condensing boilers are indeed much more efficient than conventional boilers. Below you can see this in the operating diagram of a condensing boiler.

Advantages of condensing boilers
- Maximum efficiency. This is the most important advantage of condensing boilers – efficiency, which can exceed 108%. The high temperature side of the heat exchanger provides 98-100% of the heat. And another 8-11% of heat is released in the low-temperature part during the process of steam condensation.
- Increased ecology. Condensing boilers are much more environmentally friendly. This is evidenced by the fact that in the European Union over the past 10 years only condensing units have been allowed to be used.
- Computer control of the work process. Condensing boilers of the Ariston One series have a clear advantage due to the operating algorithms, external temperature sensor (purchased separately) and internal temperature sensor (thermostat available as an option), which control the combustion process. This allows the unit to turn on/off less frequently, which increases comfort and reduces gas consumption.
- Weight and dimensions. With high power and excellent efficiency, condensing boilers are small in size and fairly light in weight.
- Low noise level. A condensing boiler is ideal for servicing residential premises, as it is not only environmentally friendly, but also very quiet.
- Low flue gas temperature. By doing this, you will help reduce global warming.
Disadvantages of condensing boilers
- Price. A condensing boiler will cost more than a traditional gas boiler of similar capacity. The price may be 40% higher. However, the difference in price will pay for itself in just 3 winter months of use.
- The heating system must be adapted. As mentioned above, a condensing boiler heats the coolant at relatively low temperatures of 35 – 50 degrees Celsius (condensation is formed only up to 50 degrees).
So to heat the room it is necessary that the radiators have as large a contact surface as possible. We recommend that our clients install radiators 20-30% larger than they should be for a simple boiler. Or the best option for the customer is to install only heated floors, since heated floors and a condensing boiler are the best combination.
If you do not change the size of the radiators, then the heat transfer to the rooms will not be enough, and you will have to increase the temperature of the coolant to 70 degrees Celsius (and then you will lose condensate, and the boiler will work like a simple ordinary boiler, which will consume more gas).
- Connection to the sewer network. Since the boiler extracts heat from the condensation formed from the exhaust gases, you will end up with a large volume of water as a result of this process. All this (clean) water will go down the drain, so you need a sewer connection.

It is important to know what types of boilers are used to heat your home before purchasing.
And finally, how to choose a condensing boiler?
Do you have an apartment or house with a gas connection? Perfect! The best heating solution is a condensing gas boiler.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that you may need to make some adjustments to your heating system, but may not have to. The main thing is that the radiators are large enough (20-30% larger than required for a classic boiler). Our experts will determine if you need to make changes to your heating system.
Just as condensing boilers love big radiators, no radiator is too big for a condensing boiler.
And yes, you can find out all these details directly in our salon on Vadul lui Voda street 68 or in an online chat from with verified and truthful information!