3 reasons why you should contact professional installers
When we buy new equipment, many companies offer a free installation service. Ideally, an air conditioner, electric water heater or thermostat should be installed by professional technicians free of charge and quickly.
Here’s what to look for when choosing the perfect plumber.
Why do you need a professional plumber to install your air conditioner?
Installing an air conditioner is a job that must be carried out by qualified engineers, this work is not easy, it takes about 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the work. In order for the air conditioner to work properly, it is not enough to simply plug it into a power outlet. The most important thing here is not the air conditioner itself, but how professionally it will be installed.
Our practice shows that more than 80% of all problems in the operation of the air conditioner were the result of unqualified installation.
Installation requires professional tools and equipment, as well as high-quality consumables and components. Do not forget that the air conditioner contains freon; connecting the air conditioner is a technically difficult job and at the same time dangerous.
You also need to know which air conditioner is better to choose for your apartment?
What questions should you ask your electric water heater installer to make sure they are a good one?
- If, when asked: how many boilers can be installed in a house, he tells you that it does not matter, but rather that you should take into account that you will have to pull a powerful power cable – then this specialist knows his business.
- When installing a water heater on a wooden wall or other compartment, it is very important to consider some details so as not to run into problems.
How not to “kill” the heating system? Choose a Professional Thermostat Installer
This article is primarily about how to distinguish a professional plumber who keeps up with the times from one who does not really understand his business.
Difference 1 – Ignorance of them can lead to fatal omissions. Not only are they unable to recommend suitable equipment, but they often refuse more advanced equipment offered by the customer because they do not know how to install it correctly. Their motto is simpler means more reliable.
Difference 2 – naturally follows from the first: the amateur uses materials that are outdated from a moral and technical point of view: hemp thread instead of Teflon thread, steel pipes instead of polymers, cast iron radiators instead of modern ones, “butterflies” (manual valves) instead of thermostats. In this case, the system will work, but heating costs will be 1.5-2 times higher. It will be impossible to adjust the room temperature to a comfortable level not only automatically, but even manually due to the high inertia of such systems.
Difference 3 – low level of equipment.
Difference 4 – attitude towards the client. By the way, it often happens that the client is not even interested in what he is wearing and in what capacity. Yes, for this you need to be at least a little “in the know.” You should know in advance that for the construction of a heating system it is advisable to use materials made in Europe.
You cannot install radiators according to the principle that cheaper means better. It is impossible to create a heating system without automation – operating costs will be significantly higher than the costs of automation.
And in conclusion, we must take into account the fact that a good specialist already knows possible problems and can immediately eliminate them. And in our store, qualified specialists also offer assistance in installing an air conditioner, electric boiler or thermostat.
We also have connections with many qualified plumbers and can help you find a good one.
You can find us in our showroom on Vadul lui Voda street 68 or in the online chat amber.md with verified and reliable information!