Window air conditioner: care secrets and how to extend the life of your device

Window air conditioner: care secrets and how to extend the life of your device

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is 10–15 years. However, with proper maintenance, it can last longer, but ignoring some recommendations will lead to the fact that your window air conditioner will require repair very soon. Therefore, it is worth adhering to some rules to ensure that climate control equipment works stably and efficiently.

Window air conditioner maintenance

The key to long service life is regular maintenance of air conditioners. It is better to involve specialists with relevant experience who will carry out all the necessary work efficiently. These include the following:

  • regular cleaning of internal and external filters from dirt – it is recommended to do this once a month, and even more often during periods of active use of the device;
  • refrigerant level control – stable performance ensures high efficiency;
  • checking the operation of the thermostat – features of window air conditioners include dependence on the health of the component for temperature regulation;
  • air conditioner disinfection – antibacterial treatment against dust, mold and other contaminants of internal elements.

A window air conditioner is a system consisting of many parts that over time can become dirty and fail. Therefore, it is recommended to call a specialist and carry out full maintenance of the equipment at least twice a year.

Caring for your window air conditioner from the owners

The attitude of owners towards climate control equipment directly affects the time when air conditioning repairs will be needed. To avoid the need to purchase expensive components, you need not only to carry out timely maintenance, but also to worry about your climate control equipment yourself.

The air conditioner should be used in accordance with the temperature conditions in the room. If the heat is not very strong, you do not need to turn the device on full blast, because then it will run idle and the internal components will wear out faster. To avoid using the air conditioner in vain, before turning it on, you should close all windows and doors in the room, and carry out ventilation with the equipment turned off.

You should understand how a window air conditioner differs from a split system, and carry out maintenance in accordance with its features. This ensures that the device operates efficiently without malfunctions.

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