Myths about the dangers of air conditioners: what are the pros and cons

Myths about the dangers of air conditioners: what are the pros and cons

The harm of air conditioners, as well as their benefits, is not discussed except by a lazy or uninterested person. For several years now, there has been a continuous discussion regarding this type of technology and the advisability of using it in rooms where there are children, elderly people and allergy sufferers. It is these three risk groups, according to experts, that are most vulnerable to one or another effect of air conditioners. But is this really so? It is this question that we have to deal with.

What harm is possible from an air conditioner?

Despite the fact that every second resident of Ukraine has climate control equipment installed at home, many years of research have managed to show that it can bring not only benefits, but also quite significant harm. Most of these errors were associated precisely with a violation of the installation of the air conditioner in the room, as well as with its improper operation. Experts have identified several items, the presence of which is harmful to the health and well-being of the user:

  1. The use of split systems leads to constant stuffiness. Old models were not equipped with a built-in ventilation system for incoming air masses, which simply resulted in a false feeling of coolness in the room. Often this could happen in banks, offices and other institutions where a large number of people are constantly present. Modern models have innovative filters and a special ventilation system that reduce the feeling of lack of air and minimize the harm of air conditioners in the office.
  2. Turning on technology provokes an increase in colds. Doctors also agree with this statement, because the sharp temperature change that occurs when using an air conditioner often leads not only to the development of ARVI, but also to pneumonia or acute bronchitis. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to avoid large temperature contrasts between the external and internal environments. Optimally, stick to a difference of 10 degrees.
  3. The use of air conditioners causes allergic reactions. And it is true. If you do not perform timely maintenance of air conditioners, do not change the filters or do not clean them, a large amount of dust, mold, and other pathogenic microflora accumulates inside, which can cause allergic reactions. Systematic maintenance will solve this problem.

Some users note that split systems excessively dry the air. To prevent this from happening, you should take a closer look at modern models with an installed humidifier.

The benefits of air conditioning

Despite the impressive list of shortcomings, this technique allows users to feel great in any weather. Experts have identified the following advantages from installing split systems in apartments and office premises:

  • reduction of dehydration in the summer season due to the optimal temperature level in the room;
  • increased performance and overall well-being;
  • preventing risks associated with cardiovascular diseases due to stuffiness and heat.

Modern models equipped with improved filters can compete with powerful cleaning stations that disinfect air masses, ridding them of dust particles, allergens, etc. And split systems with ionizers installed will help get rid of unpleasant odors and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases and will help maintain an optimal indoor microclimate.

Proper maintenance of air conditioners from Smart Climate Group

Taking into account the fact that the benefits and harms of an air conditioner are obvious, in order to properly use such equipment, minimizing its possible disadvantages, it is important not to forget about correct installation. It is also important to choose modern products from well-known manufacturers. If you find it difficult to choose a device and how to install it, the employees of Smart Climate Group will come to the rescue. Our specialists will quickly and efficiently install, maintain and refill air conditioners, as well as dismantle them (if necessary), providing the highest level of service. We offer a wide range of discounts for new and regular customers.

To sign up for maintenance of climate control equipment, just call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section. Our managers will select a date and time for service that is convenient for you. We use an individual approach for each client.

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