Is your air conditioner broken? Major air conditioner breakdowns.

Is your air conditioner broken? Major air conditioner breakdowns.

Each of us in childhood heard more than once the phrase “matches are not a toy for children.” At the time when the author of this phrase was born, no one in our country knew about air conditioners. But if they were present in every home, then the proverb would appear: “air conditioners are not a toy for children.” However, even adults should not play with air conditioners, because any split system costs a lot of money. And repairing an air conditioner can cost a significant amount of money. For this reason, a breakdown of an air conditioner causes negative emotions, be it an inexpensive compact air conditioner or a powerful industrial air conditioning system.

Often, problems and troubles happen because the air conditioners were installed incorrectly, but it also happens that the owner of the split system himself is to blame for the malfunction of the air conditioner, due to a banal oversight, because Many owners do not service their air conditioners on time. In this article we look at the most common breakdowns that can happen to any air conditioner.

The main problem for an air conditioner is considered to be a problem with a lack of freon. Often, troubles associated with the refrigerant occur due to the fact that the freon located in the indoor unit of the air conditioner does not completely evaporate, that is, does not go into gaseous form. Because of this, the compressor receives liquid that cannot be compressed like gas can. It is precisely because of this incompressible liquid that the air conditioning compressor most often breaks down. Often, floor or window air conditioners made in China suffer from this problem.

Let’s look at the main reasons why freon does not evaporate. The main one is considered to be the imperfect design of the air conditioner itself, which is especially true for Chinese air conditioners. The second reason is improper use of the air conditioner by the owner himself. In addition, problems with freon evaporation often arise due to overly dirty filters. This will help with timely cleaning of air conditioners. This may also be due to the insufficient resistance of the air conditioner to sub-zero temperatures. However, the inability of the air conditioner to work in cold weather can also be attributed to poor design of the air conditioning system.

Quite sad consequences with any air conditioner can also occur as a result of freon leakage. In this case, the air conditioner may either stop functioning altogether or work extremely inefficiently, failing to fulfill its main task – to cool the room. Leakage in most cases occurs due to the “cookiness” of the installers, that is, the air conditioners were installed incorrectly and this is the main reason for ordering installation only from professionals, even if the cost of their services will be slightly higher. Also, a consequence of poor installation of the air conditioner is often the appearance of ice plugs in the air conditioning system. The root cause of this breakdown is poor-quality evacuation of the system, as a result of which water and air are present in the air conditioner circuit, which is extremely unacceptable. If there is a freon leak, eliminating it and fully refilling the air conditioners will help.

Many experienced specialists, analyzing all possible breakdowns in the operation of the air conditioner, come to the conclusion that in order to avoid any breakdowns of this equipment, you should choose only high-quality air conditioners, and also order installation from professional companies. But the most basic task of the owner of an air conditioner is high-quality and timely maintenance of the split system. Long-term statistics show that with timely maintenance, air conditioners can “live” twice as long.

Expensive models of climate control equipment, the so-called “elite” air conditioners, have in their design special containers, sensors, as well as other methods for diagnosing breakdowns of climate control equipment. For example, sensors signal a possible malfunction, and containers eliminate the possibility of freon getting into the compressor and causing it to fail.

Thus, to prevent unpleasant situations with your air conditioner, you should buy only high-quality equipment, order installation of the air conditioner from professional technicians, and also timely service, refill and clean the air conditioner. By adhering to these basic rules, your air conditioner will work efficiently, without causing you unnecessary problems and inconveniences, and without forcing you to contact air conditioner repair services.

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