How to properly set up your air conditioner?

How to properly set up your air conditioner?

The air conditioner gives us comfort, coziness, and creates the desired temperature in the room. When choosing and buying a split system, you were probably interested in the main characteristics of the device and its functionality. And in order for the air conditioner to work correctly and serve you for many years, you must initially configure it correctly.

Correct setting of the air conditioner

First of all, setting up a split system is divided into two main stages:

  • Instrumental
  • Individual

The first type of adjustment of the air conditioner is most often carried out immediately after installation and is carried out by a professional technician. It sets the optimal operating mode of the compressor, checks the operation of all components and assemblies, the presence of low and high pressure in the lines and several other technical features of the device. If you do not have special education, skills and knowledge, it is not recommended to make such settings yourself. Incorrect system settings can significantly reduce the life of the split system, and possibly even harm your health.

After the technician has completed his work, you can adjust the operation of the air conditioner as you need, set a comfortable temperature, and also use additional functions.


Do not try to immediately test the power of the split system. Most air conditioners cannot handle too much temperature contrast. Cooling by more than 15 degrees than the outside temperature will cause overheating and rapid wear of the device. Ideally, the difference should be 5-7 degrees. This is quite enough to create comfortable conditions, and the air conditioner will work correctly and, accordingly, will last longer. Also, a strong decrease in room temperature often provokes respiratory diseases.

Savings when setting up: is it real?

Some split system users try to save energy costs by setting a very small temperature range of 1-3 degrees. In fact, this will not help save money; the room will be hot, and the air conditioner will work in the desired mode. Moreover, many split systems initially have a saving function that is independently regulated. Therefore, to make your air conditioner economical, initially choose a split system with this function.

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