Home Conditioning How to care for modern air conditioners

How to care for modern air conditioners

by hvacrepair.blog

How to care for modern air conditioners

As you know, nothing lasts forever. This phrase also applies to climate control technology. High-quality Japanese or Korean air conditioners have a longer service life than their Chinese-made competitors, but this equipment cannot work forever. The longevity of the equipment is also affected by the correct installation of the air conditioner. However, the service life of climate control equipment can be significantly extended. All it takes is proper care of your air conditioner. In the future, we will try to consider the basic recommendations of climate control specialists regarding the proper care of the air conditioner.

One of the most important aspects when operating split systems is contamination control and cleaning of air conditioners. Surely, every owner of an air conditioner, as well as a potential buyer of climate control equipment, knows that every modern air conditioner has a filter. There are also many air conditioner models equipped with two or more filters. Finding a filter in an air conditioner is quite simple; it is located in the internal unit of the split system under the front cover, where air is absorbed. The filter looks like an ordinary mesh.

Why are filters needed in an air conditioner? They are necessary to retain dust, for this reason they are also called dust collectors. In order to carry out high-quality cleaning of the air conditioner, they should be washed at a water temperature of 30-35 degrees. What happens if this is neglected? If this is not done, the cooling of the air will be worse, since the airflow to the evaporator located in the indoor unit is reduced. This is also fraught with the following problems: clogging of the drainage system with dust, disruption of the general operating mode of the split system, dripping of water from the indoor unit, as well as the occurrence of ice plugs.

The next equally important point in caring for your air conditioner is reducing the amount of freon in the split system. Freon plays a very important role in an air conditioner – a coolant, without which the air conditioner will not cool. It is recommended to refill the air conditioner with freon every 1 – 2 years, or you will need to completely refill the air conditioner after 5-6 years.

Why does the air conditioner need to be recharged? The fact is that in any split system a leakage of this substance inevitably occurs. This happens due to the peculiarities of air conditioner installation technology. No matter how experienced professionals install turnkey air conditioners, freon leakage will inevitably occur through connections in the freon line. However, this leak does not exceed 5-8% of the total amount of freon per year.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the air conditioner is not refilled with freon in a timely manner, its level in the split system will significantly decrease, which can lead to serious breakdowns of this equipment. Due to an insufficient amount of freon in the system, the engine may overheat or fail altogether. Repairing an air conditioner in the event of a breakdown of this kind can amount to up to 50% of the cost of the entire air conditioner. Thus, we can conclude that maintaining a sufficient amount of freon in the air conditioner should be taken extremely seriously so as not to entail costly repairs of the air conditioner.

Another very important aspect when operating an air conditioner is its use for heating. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to use the air conditioner when the air temperature outside the window is below -1-4 degrees Celsius, unless it is equipped with a special winter kit that allows it to operate in the most severe climatic conditions.

In addition, remember that if the air conditioner operates abnormally, you should immediately turn it off and call service personnel, otherwise this may lead to irreparable consequences.

And finally, do not forget that if you carefully care for your air conditioner, this equipment will serve you for a long time and efficiently, without causing unnecessary problems and inconveniences. So, by carrying out timely maintenance of air conditioners, you will save not only your own time, but also money on the purchase of new equipment.

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