Cassette air conditioner: effective use in the home and office

Cassette air conditioner: effective use in the home and office

A cassette air conditioner is a type of climate control technology, the basis of which is a lattice element. It is built into the ceiling and ensures the removal of cold or warm air masses from the room to the street. As a result, comfortable temperature conditions are created inside. This system is considered effective for use in private homes and offices, but it is worth carrying out regular maintenance of air conditioners of this type with the involvement of specialists.

Operating principle of cassette air conditioner

In order to understand the principle of operation of a cassette air conditioner, it is necessary to understand the features of its design. Such a climate system consists of external and internal elements. External mechanisms contain a compressor, a heat exchanger, a capillary tube, a fan and automatic control. Internal components include evaporator heat exchangers, fans, auto blinds and air filters.

The cassette air conditioner works according to the following scheme:

  • automatic blinds distribute air flow in different directions;
  • the refrigeration circuit removes heat from the room and releases it into the atmosphere;
  • The condenser heat exchanger is cooled by street heat, which is returned to the room.

Thanks to the presence of an evaporator, a cassette air conditioner can work not only for cooling, but also for heating. Each of the internal and external elements is extremely important for the stable operation of the system, so service and repair of air conditioners must be carried out in a timely manner.

Choosing a cassette air conditioner

The range of cassette-type climate control equipment includes not only household varieties, but also devices for industrial purposes. An industrial cassette air conditioner cools and heats air in warehouses, hangars, production workshops and other premises where maintaining a stable microclimate is an important requirement.

Therefore, you need to carefully understand how to choose cassette air conditioners. When studying the product range, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room that will be served, the power of the device, its functionality, and the reputation of the manufacturer.

To ensure that repairs of industrial air conditioners or household models are not required for a long time, filters are regularly cleaned, the air conditioner is disinfected, and the serviceability of internal and external elements is checked. Professional service will allow you to fully enjoy all the capabilities of cassette climate control devices.

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