Home Conditioning Air conditioner won’t turn on

Air conditioner won’t turn on

by hvacrepair.blog

Air conditioner won’t turn on

Many people are familiar with the situation when the air conditioner does not turn on even if it was fully operational the night before. Like any equipment, it, of course, tends to break down and fail, but you shouldn’t panic right away, but rather check if everything is in order with the power supply and the remote control. Therefore, the reason the air conditioner stopped turning on may be quite banal:

  • The batteries in the remote control are dead,
  • Lack of electricity in the network,
  • The equipment is not connected to the network,
  • The timer is not set correctly
  • Filter clogged
  • The network machine has turned off,
  • The room temperature is much higher or lower than the selected mode.

First, check the most common possible reasons, only then draw any conclusions. But in any case, do not try to disassemble the air conditioner yourself to find out the cause of the breakdown if you do not have the appropriate skills.

As a rule, climate control equipment is given a warranty; if it has not expired, the first thing you need to do is, of course, contact the company that installed the air conditioner for you.

Also remember, under no circumstances try to fix the problem by knocking on the air conditioner or subjecting it to any other manipulation.

What can cause a breakdown?

Before purchasing climate control equipment, you must always consult with a qualified specialist, since it is selected depending on the size of the room, the required functions and characteristics. One of the reasons why the air conditioner does not turn on may be its improper operation. You should learn how to use the equipment correctly from the specialist who installs it.

Also often the cause of breakdown is untimely cleaning and lack of regular (1-2 times a year) service inspections. If the air conditioner is not cleaned of dust, this may cause it to overheat and eventually break down. Every month you must clean and wash the internal filter, and a specialist will take care of the external unit.

One of the common problems why the air conditioner does not turn on may be due to a leak of freon, which must be added to the system every 1.5-2 years. If this recommendation is not followed, you will have to completely recharge the equipment, which can reach half the cost of the air conditioner.

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