Home Conditioning Air conditioner doesn’t heat

Air conditioner doesn’t heat

by hvacrepair.blog

Air conditioner doesn’t heat

As a rule, many people buy and install climate control equipment in hot, sultry weather, using it exclusively to cool the air. Therefore, most often when the air conditioner does not heat, it is detected in the fall or winter.

Causes of malfunction

  • Time for settingsIf for the first time you turn on the split system in heating mode, but the fan does not turn on, and in cold mode everything works, it is quite possible that the air conditioner has not yet had time to “adjust” to the desired mode. Often it is enough to wait just 2-5 minutes until the equipment warms up and works properly.

    Therefore, if the mode does not work for several minutes, there is no need to panic and switch modes or try to turn the equipment on and off.

    If after 10 minutes the air conditioner still does not start working, then you may have to find out the causes of the malfunction and take action.

  • Air temperatureIs your air conditioner not heating well? If you turn on the equipment at the required temperature, but in fact it is lower, first check the temperature outside. Of course, if the temperature outside is very low, below -10, it is unlikely that the equipment will be able to provide the required temperature in the room. The fact is that an air conditioner is a heat pump that pumps air, but does not heat it. At critically low temperatures, the efficiency of the split system may decrease; therefore, the higher the temperature outside, the more efficient the air conditioner will work.
  • Protective modeIt happens that when turned on, the equipment does not open the grille, and the indicator begins to blink. In this situation, the reason why the air conditioner does not heat may be a banal discrepancy between the operating conditions and rules and those specified in the instructions. At critically low air temperatures, many air conditioner models turn on protection and block operation, because they are not designed to operate in these conditions.
  • Changing modesSometimes when you turn on the air conditioner for heating, it periodically starts working in the “cold” mode, and then returns to the desired mode again.

In warm mode, the split system takes not warm, but cold air from the external unit, as a result, frost and ice can form on the fan blades. This can lead to damage, so some models have a defrost system, but for this purpose the cold mode is turned on. Therefore, changing modes in this case is not a breakdown.

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